Cirina Dotharl

the unrepentant blade

personal details

The at-a-glance information about Cirina's physical appearance and presentation


What you can likely expect when you approach Cirina in a social setting


Unprivileged information regarding Cirina's past, from her life in the Steppe to now

Personal details

AGE: 26
HEIGHT: 5 fulms (61 ilms)
WEIGHT: 119 ponze
EYES: pink
HAIR: brown
GENDER: genderfluid transexual, female pronouns
ORIENTATION: pansexual
ALIGNMENT: neutral evil
AFFILIATIONS: n/a, currently seeking


Like many of the Dotharl tribe, Cirina carries herself with a brash, forward, and brusque manner born of having to fight her way to something resembling recognition among her peers. Her past, however, has seen this characteristic Dotharl chip on her shoulder grow in weight, as she almost regularly assumes a defensive posture with most people. Given time and basic trust, however, the bristles do retract and she generally is amenable to pleasant conversation. If you are challenged to fight her, consider yourself fortunate; Cirina considers this to be one of the highest forms of compliment she can pay.Cirina carries a deep love of battle and fancies herself one of the swiftest blades to come out of the Azim Steppe. However, her interests are varied, from trying new foods to reading history, folklore, and romance novels to experiencing and trying out new clothing -- an activity recently introduced to her by her fiancée.Should you manage to break through her gravel-like shell, you will likely make an ally for a long time. Cirina values the very few people she has let in so closely, and will absolutely slaughter anyone who would mean harm to those within her inner circle with little qualm for the act. Truly anger her, however, and she will chase you to the next life and beyond.


Dotharl tradition holds that all members of the tribe are reincarnations of past warriors, come to learn and grow with every new body they are born with. It was assumed that the new young boy would be a great warrior, his propensity for the blade apparent from a very early age. It was not until puberty, though, that young Cirina was found to be both male and female, as her body flowered with different physical characteristics.Almost immediately, she was shunned as an abomination, an amalgam of two conflicted souls that rendered her body deformed. She was often called Husk, belittling her body and dismissing any prior experiences her twin-soul body could bring to bear for the Dotharl. She was passively ignored at best and the victim of abuse at worst. Still, she would live on, surviving each sun out of spite to those who tried to grind her to heel. This was thanks in no small part to her lightning-fast bladework, a skill that saw her craft the title of "swiftsword of the steppe."After a time, though, even her will was shattered by years of trial by fire. She gathered what few possessions she could, scraped together just enough gil to charter a boat, and made her way to Eorzea, arriving to Ul'dah with only the clothes on her back and a beaten blade at her hip.Fate would intervene on this flotsam of a woman when Cirina met Caalun, another member of the Dotharl tribe who left the steppe for some of the same reasons Cirina did. The two almost immediately made a connection and have become inseparable, styling themselves as warriors against the entire realm. Together, they seek to live free, out, and proud, with Cirina hoping to become a gladiator of the Bloodsands, marry her love, and shed the shell of her past tortures to become the woman she is meant to be.